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Querying with MongoDB – ({"db":"mongo", "post":"Querying with MongoDB"})
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- RKGupta
- @rkthinks
Recently I have been working on MongoDB and let me tell you its a lot of fun, specially, if you are aware of JSON as MongoDB stores the data in BSON (Binary JSON) format.
MongoDB is a NoSQL database. More details on NoSQL at :http://nosql-database.org/. More specific details on MongoDB at: http://www.mongodb.org/
This post is to get you started with running a single instance of MongoDB. You can also configure MongoDB to run as a replica-set( More than 1 instances in the same machine or different machines ) where one node becomes the primary and the rest nodes, secondary. More details on ReplicaSet configuration at: https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/replication/.
Mongo uses Mongo Query Language to do db queries. Listed below are some of the command line queries that should get you started with MongoDB:
Starting your mongodb instance: mongod –dbpath C:\data\db
Here C:\data\db
is path where mongo stores its data. It is recommended that you create a folder "db" inside a folder "data" in the drive where you have installed MongoDB before you start with MongoDB.
Connecting to your mongodb instance: mongo localhost:27017
Connecting to specific database in mongo: use <DB-NAME>
After this you may use following commands to do some basic queries:
Find all documents in a collection:
Find a document with specified id:
// "_id" is a fieldSelect a subset of fields from the result:
// "tpid" and "childUpids" are fields which we want to fetchFind "limit" no of documents(records) and skipping the first "skip" documents:
;Find a document which has a specified value in its array field:
e.g, To fetch the document containing "UPID002" as one of the values in array field "childUpids"
–db.collection.find({childUpids : "UPID002"});
Update the value of a specified key for a given key value:
// update single key
// update multiple fields "carrier" and "weight" at onceUpdate an array field to add/remove a value for a given key:
// adds to an existing array
// removes from an existing arrayRemove a document from the collection
// removes all
// removes all where tpid == TPID001